Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I saw my pediatrician yesterday. She’s a great doc and I feel lucky to have found her. I asked about vaccinations and she recommends repeating them. She also recommends completing a newborn panel, a referral to the birth-to-three program, and frequent visits. She has experience with several internationally adopted kids over the years, but if I question her decisions, I know of other pediatricians that special in post-institutionalized children.

I asked about giving Grace milk or formula, and she recommends formula because of the extra benefits of vitamins, minerals, etc. In addition, she needs to write the letter to ask for the 10-day wait to be waived and have it notarized, along with a copy of her license. There’s plenty of time to get that done before Trip #2.

As for my medical report, CHI says that I will have the eight-doctor medical review done in Moscow at an American medical clinic. However, I still need to see my psychiatrist and my primary-care doctor for the third time. They both need to provide notarized documents that say that I am healthy enough to raise a child.

All of this scrutiny is really making me think about my health. I usually live in denial about my weight, but am now very concerned and am watching what I eat. The trip to Russia last week left me a little bit lighter, but I have a long way to go. Now that I am responsible for another human being, keeping healthy is more important.


Vicki said...

Welcome Home Kelly,
What at great trip! Can't wait to hear more about it and to see Grace. Call if you need to talk!

Jeana said...

I had to do the psych and my general practitioner before my second trip, too, so that part is still the same.

The Moscow American Clinic will at least be easier as far as arrangements go, since CHI will take care of scheduling the necessary appointments. It's too bad Tver has changed that requirement. I understand it costs about $1500 per couple for your medicals there. Hopefully that will be cut in half for a single person. It still sucks, though, in my opinion.

Well, we do know that Russia is a constantly evolving scenario when it comes to adoption. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that nothing else changes in the meantime! We want the 10 days waived!!!! Just keep your eye on the prize (little Miss Grace herself!) and you can deal with the rest of it as it comes.

