The road to Kashin from Tver is 160 kilometers long. It takes about 2 - 2. 5 hours to get there. The road is narrow, with just enough room for two vehicles. There are rarely stripes marking the lanes and the shoulder is a muddy mess. The road signs are different, of course, and I am so grateful that CHI arranges someone to drive us to Kashin. I was able to use the time to organize my questions for the Director of the baby home and ask more questions to Alexi. Of course, one or two naps helped, also.
On the way into Kashin, we stopped in front of the town's sign. The letters are in Cyrillic. Dad and I were nervous standing on the side of the busy road! The town was founded in 1287, and our guide (Alexi) and interpreter (Luba) gave us some history of the town: it was important because it had natural mineral spas and VIPs used to come for long visits.
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