Sorry that I didn't post earlier, but the time change and the 18 mo. old have kept me busy! Also, my family is here and I have a head cold with laryngitis. I guess I'm worn out.
We spent two nights in Moscow at the Holiday Inn Solikini - my agency led me through the doctor's visit) for Grace and the process at the US Embassy. It was really interesting to see the 15 or so other adoptive families that were waiting with me - I'll try to write more about that later.
We made it from door to door in 26 hours. Travel was OK except for the 4 1/2 hour delay in Warsaw, with our connection on Lot Polish Airlines. Grace did so well! We arrived just at the start of her normal nap time, so she slept and I carried her around the airport - asleep! I was thinking that she would sleep through the entire lay-over, but she woke up during the delay.
We took advantage of this time off of the airplane and walked with her around our gate area. She got sick of holding my hand and liked to explore on her own. I really don't see much delays physically. I think the language delay is very small, too. But, she didn't get a chance to feed herself, so we're going to start working on that.
She did great on the airplanes. She played on the floor a lot, and was VERY interested in the duty-free magazines. She's likes to turn pages and look at the Versace perfume, cigarettes, pearl jewelry, and Congac. She has expensive taste! The plane was about half empty, so we spread out on two seats to sleep. I tried to stack our carry on bags next to the seats, but she was still able to roll off and fall on the floor. She didn't cry so I didn't notice right away - and she was still asleep.
We made it through customs and immigration at O'Hare very quickly. Karen was waiting to pick us up, and I really had to keep from melting down at that point. I was completely exhausted and could barely keep it together. Mom and I wanted to kiss the ground, because we were so happy to be back in the United States! International travel is the best way to appreciate how good we have it here. But, we weren't home, yet! IT STARTED TO SNOW. The drive was long and slow, but Grace and I slept through it. Karen took good care of us and we made it home safely. At 12:30 am Saturday morning or 2130 Moscow time. We didn't know which way was up due to jet lag.
Jenny, my friend that watched my house (etc.!) while I was gone turned the lights on for us and turned on the water and increased heat. She also left fresh cut flowers in a vase and a gift for Grace. What a nice way to come home. Thank you, Jenny!
Grace wasn't tired, so we stayed up until about 3:30 am. Sleeping was tough until today (Sunday). I think we're pretty much back to her normal schedule. At least, she went to bed at the normal time tonight - we'll see what time she wakes up tomorrow morning.
Here are a few pictures from our stay in Tver. We really had to bundle up - it was -30 C! She enjoys playing with her hat and mittens and getting dressed.

Grace was pretty good about wearing all the winter clothes... And, when she tripped, it never hurt her to fall because there was so much padding! Of course, we had to help her stand up again!

1 comment:
I'm so glad you finally got to post! Welcome home! I remember how utterly exhausted I was when we finally landed in my hometown. My dad was waiting for us and started to complain about something and I remember it was all I could do not to snap at him. (grin)
I also remember how incredible it felt to lay Alivia down for the very first time in her own crib at home. So momentus! And now, more than 7 months later I still love to watch her sleep.
Any way--congratulations on making it through the worst of it! She looks wonderful and happy, as do you! Now it's time to enjoy being a MOM!
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