We did it!
Grace is now in the hotel with Mom and me. We picked her up after her nap today, Saturday, February 17. I think court made me just a nervous as this. I was really worried about Grace screaming and putting up a fight. She did cry when we arrived, but she warmed up to me pretty quickly, which made me feel better. She didn't like changing clothes, so we left on her undershirt and gave the baby home two of ours. We made a game out of putting on the gloves and hat and she didn't mind.
She was GREAT in the car ride back to Tver. Two hours strapped in a car seat. No crying. Wow. We played games and ate snacks on the ride. She learned how to use a sippy-cup in about five tries. We even got several smiles when we tickled her feet! (I had seen only one smile in the baby home.)
When we got back to the hotel, I held her until she didn't want to be held. She threw the purple monkey on the floor, so I stood her up on the floor. She walked over, picked him up, and backed up so that she leaned against my leg. So, I picked her up again. We did this about three more times, and I kept telling her that I was her Mommy now and that I would always be here to pick her up.
We met Mom and Anne (another single, adoptive mom from CHI) at the hotel restaurant. They had ordered us broccoli and green beans, so we sat down and tried them. Grace sat on my lap quietly – for about 20 minutes and ate small pieces of green beans and salmon with her hands. I used a fork to feed her smashed broccoli, but she preferred the green beans.
At bed time, I tried reading her books, but she's too busy. So, she played quietly in her pack-n-play for a while, then I tried laying her down and it was going well until... I walked into the bathroom and mostly closed the door. Big tears! I immediately picked her up and got a full-fledged, both arms around my neck, HUG. And she was really holding on. It was awesome! I held her in my arms until she was almost asleep, but Mom came back to the room. So, I laid down with her in my bed. She was awake – quietly looking at the ceiling or me for about 45 minutes! Finally, she was asleep by 10:00.
I am truly blessed. I can't believe how well today went. I guess I read too many books!
Since the judge waived the 10-day wait period, we should be home on Feb. 23.
Krista and Kari: Karen is talking about everyone coming to my house on Sunday. Sounds great. Just, please plan for all of the food, etc. without me. Thanks! Can't wait to get home with Grace!
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