One of the best things about bringing Grace home is having all of my friends and family come and visit. Below, my golf-buddy Laure is playing with Grace. And even better... Laure brought dinner with her! Lynn, Laure's mom, and Melissa, another golf-buddy also visited that day.

Grace likes even the simplest toys. We had a lot of fun with a brown paper grocery bag!

Here's a shout out to my fellow adoptive mom - Christy! Can't wait for you to bring Katie home! Congratulations on becoming a mom! Katie is beautiful and you two look so happy! It truly is a wonderful journey. Grace and I are still learning from each other every day. God bless!
Oh My Gosh! I had no idea Grace is home. Congratulations! I am so happy for you two. I love the pictures, she is a doll! Though this web site is great, we can't wait to meet Grace in person!
Love, Julie Larson
and Cassie, Denzel & Dayna
Kelly, we need an update! How about some recent photos!
And... tag, you're it! It's time for 8 random things about you. (You can visit my blog to see how it's done.)
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